Thursday, February 3, 2011

tiki talk

hey folks,
just wanted to keep you in the loop w/ the latest tiki news...
we're moving my night over to every thursday starting february 17 for maximum madness. that means no more "monday monday" (wink wink) blues i'm afraid. working on a few guests for the debut so hang tight for that info. also wanna thank the troopers who made the start of each week so fun for the last couple of months... to jay gundzik for his weekly "anything soul" early sets, josh wells for the die hard party support, and chris and roxanne and the rest of the tiki bar staff/waldorf crew...
ciao for now,
*PS - the HISTORY OF DANCE is tomorrow!!!


  1. that rules! thursday is more my speed...

  2. "working on a few guests for the debut (*duffy that means you!!!) so hang tight for that info."
