Sunday, October 6, 2013

the fall

whole lotta RIPs going on, eh??? have mercy!@#$%!!! lots of births as well!!! the cycle of life i suppose... BIG shout out to all the little ones and dearly departed out there!@#$%!!!

hit the road recently and it always feels good to rev up the ol' c-rolla and get on down... there's def been some deep digging excursions in the mix (!!!) and lots of good food and people too!!! thanks to everyone for their open hospitality!@#$%!!!

back on the coast, the main priority is a M-A-S-S-I-V-E archival project for LITA, my most ambitious yet!@#$%!!! i think/hope it's gonna blow some minds, it's certainly blown mine!@#$%!!!

VIN blog will take a backseat for now. more to come soon...

*just got added to the sadies gig at the rickshaw on october 24th (*see below). no opening act so it'll be yers truly dropping some hardcore vinyl insanity between two sets from the hottest country-rock act in the universe tearing shit up in their unique style!@#$%!!! WATCH OUT VANCOUVER!@#$%!!!

ok for now good peoples, just wanted to spit a few words out there...

until next time...


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