Thursday, August 4, 2011

i can't live w/o my radio...

listening to jason palma's long-running "higher ground" radio show right now (every thursday night from 8-10 pm on 89.5 in toronto or on the web at and it got me thinking about my current cultural consumption patterns. though i was raised on television (see parlez-moi and boss grade) and would frequently find myself stationed directly in front of the TV set at such and such a time, now a days it seems that instead of the tube i'm peeping a community/internet radio show being broadcast globally from locations like powell river (cowbell radio) or london, england for electronic edification. def seek out some of this stimulating and often interactive programming—instant communications w/ the DJs through your favourite social media outlets, telephone, etc...—it cuts through a lot of the behind the scenes bureaucracy, unimaginative playlists, and boardroom decisions utilized by most traditional broadcasters and in stark contrast, delivers wide reaching shots from the sonic spectrum (soul, jazz, funk, reggae, rock and roll, and whatever else your mind can image) played by the passionate hearts of dedicated music lovers!!!

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