Sunday, July 25, 2021

Pimming swools

The logo is nearly there and the sign at the park reads "BE BEAR AWARE." Which is more dangerous? If Coffy is the colour, Toronto is the city, the town, the place where I call home. "HOME!" See? I just called home, to my heart and soul wherever it may be... Inside of me, I think. Perhaps floating around my perimeter or dancing with the cosmos on a good day. Fries. Is the lake swimmable? Can it be swum? If a fish hit you in the eye, would you ask it, "Can you fly?" I guess it's simply time to try. Hurrah! I have no wings, only arms, and currently weak ones at that. I dunno, something to work on. Another reason to dive, but after staring at this photo for a while, I realize that I prefer my chlorine through stone, metal, and glass. Let's say, from a distance, but it's those pH balanced waters that not only taught me to float, but also to dunk more than my perfectly doughy pizza crust into a cold glass of Coke, all just north of here, yes HERE, a block from a shopping mall. There is a Pollywog certificate printed in black ink on red paper to prove it, my early aptitude for floating and dunking in chemically adjusted water that is, from a time in my life which I will always hold dear... PEACE

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Real Time by New Chance (OUT NOW)

*New NEW CHANCE album... Available HERE!!!

Wilderness West

Of course...

Biz Markie and Dolores Claman would have got along... In song, and BEYOND... PEACE

Monday, July 12, 2021

The Tuffest

I'm happiest, these days, when I walk... I have a route that begins just north from where I'm at. On my feet are a pair of Roots Tuff Boots, purchased in a short window of open door retail during the pandemic. I have to say that these leather walkers are incredible for city and trail. I have worn them almost daily for months now on treks both short and upwards of 16 km. In my younger years, I was actually fired from my job at Roots Coquitlam Centre branch, but rest assure it wasn't as devious or sinister as what you are already thinking and I'd actually say that however tragic—actually, it wasn't at all, really— the unfolding of such events helped to lead me down the path that I walk on today, in Roots boots no less, so hey, let's just call it a technical bureaucratic issue based on blood and move forward, ok? I'll tell you the story in person one day, and no, it's not gory. Today, I feel compelled to do some "work." Transit will assist, taking some pressure off of my boots though I must share that I have already started looking into a second, backup set. At this rate of clicking and clocking kilometers, they will be needed. Hmm, I didn't think that this post would turn into an unpaid advertisement for Roots, but when the words start to flow,  I suppose that one will never know exactly where they will go... PEACE